Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Over The Beach" by Zalin Grant

A few months back I had the pleasure of reading Zalin Grant's "Over The Beach." This book is an account of an F-8 Fighter Squadron VF-162 from the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany during the Vietnam War. If you are interested in the air war in Vietnam or specifically the USS Oriskany, then this book is a must read for you! The paperback edition which is currently available came out in 2005 and you can generally pick it up for about $11. The book follows the pilots of VF-162 on their way to targets in North and South Vietnam. And while the squadron was incredibly successful, they also dealt with tremendous losses. Many pilots were shot down over North Vietnam where there was almost no chance of rescue. Grant covers the terror of carrier landings, the wild parties aboard the Oriskany, the tensions between men with very strong personalities, the adulterous behavior of many of the pilots, and the overwhelming emotions of a MIA's wife holding on to the hope that her husband might still be alive. This book is the first that I have read about the air war in Vietnam and it certainly ranked among the best military books I have read. I highly recommend it!


radchoo said...

i was in vf 162 from 64 to67 with cdr .dick bellinger he was the man thanks for all the info you put on the puter.i was on board with your dad i dont remeber him. but that was some years ago. again thanks for the memories,,

Anonymous said...

My idol and mentor and uncle, Chief Alvin Wisnewski was on the Oriskany. Served on rescue birds and fished many a pilot out of the water. I found later on we in country at the same time. He was really proud of the Oriskany.

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